15 Easy Things Parents Can Do To Increase Kid Cooperation
Comments Off on 15 Easy Things Parents Can Do To Increase Kid CooperationMarch 4, 2013 by admin

Recommend Reading: 15 Easy Things Parents Can Do To Increase Kid Cooperation by NannyBabysitters
Getting kids to listen is a difficult thing to do, but increasing cooperation from kids can make a more enjoyable home environment for everyone involved. These tips can help you put your kids on a path to cooperation, reducing disputes and hard feelings…
I’m a huge fan of #3. Which is why I’m setting up an Amazon store, chalk full of books that are fun and engaging to read, but that teach good lessons too.
Teach Through Storytelling – You’re probably thinking, how will telling stories get my kid to cooperate? It’s quite simple: tell them stories about kids cooperating. Kids love to hear stories and they may not understand right away that they are learning something, but eventually it will catch on. You could subtly remind them with things like, “Remember the story about Suzy? She helped bake cookies and then helped clean up. Will you do that with me?”
Category Recommended Reading | Tags: Child Behavior, Clear Expectations, discipline, guidance, Parenting, proactive, teaching
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